The New York Times made a demo where GPT-4 shows you the inside of a refrigerator and asks what meals can be made based on the ingredients in the photo. So, based on the image, GPT-4 presents some examples, both savory and sweet.

However, like all new technology, GPT-4 also has some limitations. One is that it can make mistakes in reasoning and “fantasize” facts, in addition to the fact that GPT-4 does not know about events after September 2021, which can lead to out-of-context or even incorrect answers.

How Can These New Technologies Help You

From there, you’ll be able to edit it and make the changes you deem necessary to fit the text into your original idea. This is a way to make writing easier for users through quick features for creating and editing drafts that streamline the writing process.
In addition to these features, updates to generate Ws Number List complete emails in Gmail based on user short tags, allow marketers to perform brainstorming and copywriting tasks on Google Cloud and the ability to generate and produce AI images, audio and video to illustrate slideshows.
In parallel with Google’s releases.OpenAI did not stay behind and released the long-awaited GPT-4, the company’s new language model that can Google And OpenAI Launchreceive image and text inputs. According to the company, “GPT-4 is. OpenAI’s most advanced system, producing safer and more useful responses.
As mentioned above. GPT-4 can parse the content of an image and connect the information to a written question, generating text outputs.

Well, both Google and OpenAI have already opened their APIs for integrating tools with third-party applications. This makes super well-known companies, such as Duolingo, use this integration to maximize the resources offered to their customers, managing to gain a competitive advantage in their market niche through AI technologies.

Companies Are Committed to Making Ai Accessible. To Everyone, So It’s Important to Stay Tuned for the Next. Steps of These Tech Giants. I Believe That Many New Features. Can Emerge Soon to Make Life Easier for Users and Bring Agility. To the Daily Lives of Professionals. Who Work With the Internet, as is the Case With Bing. Image Creator, Which Has Just Been Launched and Generates. Images Based on User Descriptions.

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I Believe That Many New Features. Can Emerge Soon. C Phone Number To Make Life Easier for Users and Bring Agility. To the Daily Lives of Professionals Who Work. With the Internet, as is the Case With Bing Image Creator, Which. Has Just Been Launched and Generates. Images Based on User Descriptions.

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