Whether in sports, the arts or intellectual challenges, competitions have the power to bring out the best in each of us. Over time, the quest for recognition has driven people to overcome themselves, face their fears and test their limits. In addition to encouraging reaching the podium, competitions also promote camaraderie, team spirit and solidarity among participants. , each competitor has the opportunity to write their own history of achievements and learning, showing the world how incredible talents are. That way, for those who are not afraid to face a good dispute, this is the time to get good tips! So, stay until the end of this article and see the list of options prepared by Nube – Núcleo Brasileiro de Estágios. Until October 14, 2023 | Anthology – Football in 2050 – Editora Campo ou Bola Living with football.

This time, the contest promoted by Campo ou Bola

Therefore, this recognition generates a great love in the population for the sport. Participating in it goes beyond playing, but cheering. Today, another way of admiration manifest by writing and participating in a book with a theme that envisions the future of this issue. , search for texts with content describing what football will be like in 2050! They want to find in the works the expectations about possible Australia Phone Number changes in rules and the scenario of novelties involved in the area, not only in the field, but with the public and other situations. To be register, it is necessary to be Brazilian and of legal age, that is, from 18 years old. In addition to the production, your biography must be sent. After all, what’s the point of showing your literary talents.

Phone Number Data

In this situation of emotion and adrenaline

Therefore, if you have the dream of publishing and sharing your writing skills and captivating readers, this is an unmissable chance. All chosen will have copyright on physical and digital sales. Participation is completely free, for those interested, it is essential to check the other rules onnotice! The modality of literary competitions is left out of the nominations. In this way, the incentive for writing, reading and producing works in the Portuguese language is continuous. This contest promote CP Phone Number by the municipality of Campos Mourão has the same objective, to enrich and enhance the public’s language and intellect by discovering new writers. So if you are interest in investing in this area, stay tuned! Participation requests the production of a poem and the interest party can choose between three different categories: Campo Mourão theme, free and interpretation modality.

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