Spelling and grammatical conventions avoid slang. Emojis are ok in moderation maximum one per post. No reposting or sharing content without fact. Checking or confirming its original source. Security guidelines at a minimum. The security section of your social. Mia policy should include the following. Rules related to personal social mia use on business equipment. Social mia activities to avoid. Like quizzes that ask for personal information. Which departments or team members are responsible for each social mia account. Guidelines on how to create an effective password and how often to change passwords. Expectations for keeping software and devices update. How to identify and avoid scams attacks. And other security threats.

Plan for Customer Contact

Social listening tools can help your company stay on top of mentions and comments. But it’s your corporate social mia policy that will determine what to do if you spot a strange rumor or sanctioned intel online. For instance. Mcdonalds should probably prepare for someone to eventually take this april fools joke out of context. How will they set the record straight?

Describe the process employees are expect to follow when b2b leads coming across misinformation. News leaks. Confidential information. Or other questionable content regarding the company on social mia. Of course. Questionable content doesn’t always target a company. Make a plan for helping employees who may face harassment or threats over social mia.

Outline How to Deal with Questionable Content

Social listening tools can help your company stay on top of mentions and comments. But it’s your corporate social mia policy that will determine what to do if you spot a strange rumor or sanctioned intel online. For instance. Mcdonalds should probably prepare for someone to eventually take this april fools joke out of context. How will they set the record straight?

Describe the process employees are expect to C Phone Number follow when coming across misinformation. News leaks. Confidential information. Or other questionable content regarding the company on social mia. Of course. Questionable content doesn’t always target a company. Make a plan for helping employees who may face harassment or threats over social mia.

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