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Internal Links: The 7 Best Strategies To Boost Your Results

Generating qualified traffic is a very important part of any Digital Marketing strategy.

In addition to attracting the right people, you need to do this on a large scale in order to gain authority, generate leads, and close sales.

Among the many strategies that are available honduras phone number data to attract the attention of the ideal customer, the number of companies that really invest in internal links is relatively small. The reason for this is simple: they don’t know what they are missing!

Internal linking has a fundamental role in the performance of a website. That happens both on search engines and for users.

Do you want to learn how to make better use of internal links: the 7 best strategies to boost your results this feature and achieve great results?

In this post, you will see:

  • What internal links are
  • Why internal links are relevant to your position on Google
  • Top reasons to take your site’s internal linkage seriously
  • How to do a complete audit of your internal links
  • 7 internal linking tactics The 7 Best  that will boost your results

What internal links are

Link building is usually in the spotlight when it comes to ranking on Google.

Internal links are those that point to anhui mobile phone number list another page on the same site. You can find in this Internal Links:  post several links to other articles here on the blog.

Since all of these links are on the same domain (Rock Content blog), they are all internal links.

But if I link to a Wikipedia page, for The 7 Best  example, the link in question would already be outside Rock’s domain and would then be an external link.

Now let’s see why you also need to pay attention to internal linking!

Why internal links are relevant to your position on Google

Yes, a website’s internal link can radically change its position on search pages.

There are real cases where a page Internal Links:  has skipped many positions in the search engine ranking with nothing more than a change in strategy regarding internal links.

I’m talking about very expressive changes, such as:

  • one page was leveraged from position #29 to result #4 on Google;
  • and another that occupied result #33 and managed to move to #5.
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