The outcome of Sprint 0 is an initial document explaining the architecture. The document can be bas on the steps defin by the ADD (Attribute Driven Design) method. This method has been successfully test in previous projects [4]. With ADD, a software architecture can be defin through a decomposition process bas on the software quality attributes.
The initial architecture document must be evaluat in algeria phone number library order to determine whether the architecture meets the quality requirements. To perform this evaluation, the Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method (ATAM) is propos. The ATAM reveals how well an architecture meets particular quality objectives and provides an approximation.
Of how the quality objectives interact
Figure 1. Proposal for software architecture management in Scrum.
If the architecture evaluation reveals that changes ne to be made to it, then the architecture must be refin until the polish architecture document and skeleton system corporate packaging and visibility as an important part of the image result from Sprint 0. Finally, the architecture creat in Sprint 0 will benefit development in subsequent Sprints.
Role of the software architect in Scrum
The role and activities of the software architect belize lists change in focus depending on whether the project is in Sprint 0 or in subsequent sprints.