You can buy ten Rolex watches, but if your website doesn’t reflect your personality and company brand, it will be difficult to succe. My company had a clear case: the client has a serious recruiting business, but at the same time the website is in cute pink colors and soft round fonts, there is no company history, no cases and client stories.
The paradox is that the business owner
Himself has a rather Corporate packaging tough, dominant character. What pastel shades can we talk about when it is necessary to show such a strong personality and the company’s work in such a serious niche?
Pay attention to Corporate packaging forex database one of the latest studies by Harvard Business Review: it says that the values convey by a company are the reason for choosing this particular brand for 64% of respondents. Closeness in internal aspects has a greater impact on the willingness to buy than a pompous display. All this should be on your website and generally on all platforms where you appear.
Advice from a business psychologist
Package your business according to its strengths, advantages, and distinctive features. Stop putting together websites on your knee and trying to develop a sales funnel yourself: you are wasting time on what should be done by specializ specialists, instead of actually working with clients.
Online visibility and establish reputation
In which mia Corporate packaging outlet are your articles publish? If you type your name or company name into Yandex or Google, what ai content creation tools will be in the search results? Will there be negative or even aggressive reviews? Or will your sites, interviews, and useful articles be on the first pages?
Today, so many Corporate afb directory packaging people are fixat on the idea that image is clothes and accessories, preferably from famous brands, that they have forgotten: reputation is also form by what other people know about you. Add to this your social circle.