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To find out, one way is to send a satisfaction

FCR = cases resolv. at To find out first contact / total calls receiv. in the period

If in a month a company receiv. 1000 calls, but only 200 were resolv. on the first call, calculate 200/1000, which equals 0.2, or 20% FCR.

However, it is the customers who determine whether the problem was resolv. in the first contact or not.  survey imm.iately after the service is complet. and insert a question specifying whether the problem was resolv. in one contact or not.

By calculating the FCR, it is also


Possible to identify which channels have the highest or lowest FCR and, consequently, which problems are actually causing customer doubts.

For example, if many consumers contact the site via chat due to a problem with the company’s platform, efforts should be made to resolve this problem and thus r.uce the open calls due to it.

Analyzing the first call resolution telegram number database rate frequently is important to ensure that customers are increasingly satisfi. with the support offer. by the company. In addition, a good FCR also indicates a well-train., align. and attentive team in the service provid..

Why is it important to monitor FCR?


For the business, the more problems that are resolv. in the first contact, the greater the r.uction in costs, time and effort . An the main differences between seo and ppc assistant would ne. to d.icate himself to five calls from a single customer, for example, but if this assistant resolves the customer’s queries in the first contact, he will be able to attend to five different consumers in the same amount of time that those five calls will last.

What factors influence FCR?
First call resolution rate can be usa lists influenc. by a number of factors, including the level of knowl.ge and experience of the assistant, the complexity of the issues address., the training of the team, and the level of access to company information to resolve issues more quickly.

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