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This will only work against your marketing efforts


What are you going to blog about?

Before you start writing, you need to brainstorm content ideas.

What do you want to write?
What topics do you think might interest your audience?
Are the topics you are going to write about relevant to what you are selling ?
This brainstorming process will help you find content that is relevant to your audience. When your audience feels like something is relevant to their needs, they are more likely to trust your ideas.

How often do you plan to publish content?

When it comes to blogging, consistency is key. You don’t have to post every day, but it’s important to make sure you’re in work against your audience’s feeds as often as possible.

It’s totally normal to have no engineer database inspiration for a few days, but you don’t publish a ton of articles one week and then completely disappear from the radar for months.

If you do this, your blog may lose those viewers you have worked so hard to gain.

How are you going to promote your blog?

Once you have a blog that you are happy with, it is time to bring it to the attention of your readers. The next step is to work against determine the channel through which you want to promote your blog.

You’ll need to experiment at first. The channel you choose should fit your business needs, so encourage your staff to get involved and brainstorm ways to find traffic sources for your blog.

Plan your time

Traditional budgets are allocated for expenses: however, for a blog it is more of an investment of time.

You can easily budget for launching and maintaining your website writing hours in the long run. Sometimes finding time to write a blog when you have dozens of other competing responsibilities can be a challenge, so you’ll need a game aero leads plan where you find time work against to write your blog and still get all your other tasks done. What you need is a time budget.

But that’s not all.

Once you’ve published your blog, you’ll also need to spend time marketing your content, otherwise your audience may not know about new posts.


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