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The State of the Art and Software Testing

• Use case view. This is the additional view (+1) that is central to the model and groups together major use case scenarios. A use case diagram accompanied by textual descriptions of the scenarios can be used to represent it. The other views should allow an understanding of how the use case scenarios are supported by the architecture.

This is an IEEE standard for the architectural

Description of software-intensive systems. IEEE 1471 defines a conceptual framework that relates the concepts of system, architectural description, and view. In this framework, views must conform to a viewpoint, which specifies the conventions for constructing and using a view. And includes elements cameroon phone number library such as the languages be used to describe the view as well as the modeling. Methods and analysis techniques that can be applied to view representations. In IEEE 1471, an architectural description includes one or more viewpoints. Which are selected based on the stakeholders to whom the architecture is directed.

Views and Beyond  This approach developed by the SEI


<p>establishes that the documentation of a software architecture involves the selection of the relevant views of the architecture, the documentation of each of those views, as well as the factor in their purchasing decision process documentation of the information that applies to more than one view or to a set of views as a whole. The details of the approach include the method for choosing the views belize lists that are most relevant to the stakeholders of the architecture, standard templates for documenting the views, information needed to document information that applies across multiple views, as well as definitions of the content of the templates. Unlike the 4+1 views approach, Views and Beyond does not specify the number of views to use.

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