Home » News » Marketing Takeaways From 2020: What We Learned, What We Did Wrong, and What We Are Focused on for the Future

Marketing Takeaways From 2020: What We Learned, What We Did Wrong, and What We Are Focused on for the Future

2020 was one for the record books. Companies had to adapt, and they had to do so while flying by the seat of their pants.

It was uncharted territory for individuals and businesses alike. But of everything that happened, one positive that can be gleane from the past year hungary phone number data is what we learned.

In achieving marketing resilience, learning from what worked and what didn’t is key. So as we head toward a goal of building market Marketing Takeaways  resiliency in 2021, what is the most important lesson that we take with us into the future?

What worked in 2020


No one could have anticipated what 2020 held back in January of that year. But by the middl of March, it became clear that marketing plans were laid to waste.

Those that did well were those who were able to Marketing Takeaways  be flexible and adapt to whatever was in store. It’s important to take that into the future.

Although we’ve gotten use to this “new normal,” the only certain thing the future holds will be more change, making flexibility a trait to hold onto.


This year was packed with emotion, and being building long-term relationships with b2b telemarketing able to connect on that level was important. One of the best ways to share emotions is through actions, and for marketing that Marketing Takeaways v means sharing high-value content.

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