We’ve created a viewer so you can share the entire conversation that took place on B2Chat with your team or even a client. This link is available special database in the following sections: Audit: When you select a conversation in the chat detail. You will to conversations find a link that you can copy to share or click. This link will take you to the full-screen chat viewer, where you can see all the interaction in that chat.
Share chat viewer in B2Chat Reports:
In chat reports, you will find what happens if you don’t organize your work underlying data. Also, for each chat there is a link that allows you to view and understand the entire conversation in detail. This is very useful when, after filtering some chats by some condition, you need to review them or share them with your team. Displaying Report Viewer in B2Chat Chat Extraction API: In the Chat Extraction API, when exporting conversations, you will be able to access a new attribute called “Link Viewer”.
This will allow you to improve integrations with CRMs
Making it easier to carry these clean email conversations through a link without having to transfer the entire conversation text. B2Chat Chat Extraction to conversations Diagram For more details, see the API documentation. Optimization for Low Resolutions New improvement to the B2Chat user experience, specially designed for low-resolution screens. This update maximizes space in the text box and improves the display of the timeline, making your daily management easier and your work more efficient.