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Information technology in business

Just like in a partnership, in a business partnership there are important qualities or abilities that can fundamentally influence the results and the feeling of such cooperation. If you can establish such a relationship, you have a high probability of long-term cooperation. I believe that this is what both the supplier and ultimately his customer want.

Trust: The Basic Building Block of a Business Partnership

Trust is the foundation of every relationship, including business relationships. The supplier must trust that the customer will fulfill their Information technology obligations, and the customer must trust that the supplier will deliver quality goods or services on time and at the agreed price.

When a client pays us an advance invoice, they trust that we will deliver what we promised. And conversely, when we work on a project, we trust that we will get paid for it at the end. And you will certainly find many such examples.

Communication: The Key to Successful Collaboration

Communication is important everywhere, but in a business partnership it helps to avoid misunderstandings. Or to solve problems in a timely manner. The supplier and the customer must be able to communicate their needs, requirements indonesia email list to each other. This helps them to avoid misunderstandings.

And you need to be able to handle it even when you’re dealing with something unpleasant. There’s nothing worse than “pinging” emails back Information technology and forth. Or letting things fester. That’s why I constantly remind my colleagues that the power of after-sales: strategies to delight and retain customers  it’s often better to call than to write an email. And usually faster.

Openness and helpfulness: The path to understanding the other side

Openness and responsiveness are cameroon business directory other important qualities. Both the supplier and the customer should be willing to listen to each other. Be open to new ideas, suggestions. And sometimes even unpleasant comments.

This is very much related to the previous point. When something goes wrong, don’t keep it to yourself. As a supplier, you need to make it known as soon as possible that a problem needs to be addressed. And conversely, late feedback from the customer will result in late correction.

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