The series La Casa de Papel El Fenómeno is a worldwide success. One of the biggest names on Netflix has left everyone hooked on its episodes to find out how the Professor will put his grand plan into practice. Intelligent, perfectionist, a first-rate strategist and a calculator, the leader of the world’s most beloved robbers has great qualities. On top of all that, he is loved by everyone.
What few people know, however, is that the in your content strategy series’ success came about by chance. The series was canceled because it was losing viewers in Spain, the country where the plot was originally released. However, when it gained costa rica phone number data worldwide popularity through Netflix, things changed. And finally, the boom happened. The series is one of the most acclaimed in recent times.
However, it wasn’t just the purchase of the series by one of the biggest streaming companies today that made it a success. Some elements within the script were essential too. And we’ll look at these elements in this post.
La Casa de Papel has great ideas to help you improve your content strategy. This production presents interesting points that can improve your business. Want to know what they are? Keep reading and find out!
What does La Casa de Papel teach us to put into practice in content marketing?
We won’t give any spoilers about La Casa these backlinks also increase website in your content strategy de Papel , the phenomenon that served as the basis for this content, but we will show you what the series teaches you to put into practice in your strategies. That way, when you watch it, you’ll have a different perspective on it.
See the lessons the series teaches you:
1. Planning
If you want something done right, plan it in advance. Also, outline all the steps so that they are executed correctly. So, if your goal is to have efficient content, plan it !
Set your goals so that they are properly achieved. And make sure that each member of your team is aware of their role in ensuring that the strategy contact lists is well executed. After all, the professor’s team knew exactly what they had to do to make the plan work.
2. Anticipation
Within the planning itself, you can predict the problems that may arise along the way. Therefore, action A may trigger consequence B, C or D. You need to predict these results and already have a way to solve them.
In La Casa de Papel, the robbers are always in your content strategy one step ahead of the police, as they have studied various situations and actions that the authorities could take. And they have taken precautions against them. The same should be done in your planning so that your content results in what you expect.
3. Have a complementary team
Even if you already have a team that you trust and are good professionals, it is important to have someone to ask for help in extreme moments! In the series, each member of the Professor’s group has a specific role and this makes all the difference. Your team also needs to know what to do so that your strategy is well executed .
However, even though he already knew who would be working on the front line of the plan, there was a backup team to provide assistance. In your case, your planning may be so successful that you need to increase the flow of content and, if your writer can’t do it alone, it’s always good to have support. For example, outsourcing your content production .