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Check out the 4 most important digital marketing metrics for your company

The effectiveness of your social media strategy is directly linked to how you or your marketing team explores digital marketing metrics .
They are the ones that determine whether decisions are being made intelligently and using the right strategies.

And it was to ensure that your company achieves

The best results from its investments and efforts on social channels that we prepared this article.
Check out the four main digital marketing metrics below and the results that your company can obtain with each of them!

Do you know why social media ROI is important?

Before we talk about metrics, let’s first discuss the impact that good monitoring of social media metrics has on your ROI .
Nowadays, all social networks provide japan telegram data data on the progress of your actions within each platform.
And it’s essential that you track your progress, to identify what works and what doesn’t, and to measure the return.

Without this care, you’re just guessing.

That’s why monitoring the right metrics how to create stunning websites makes a difference . This way, you can measure the ROI of your marketing efforts (what you actually get in return) and make more assertive decisions for the future.

Top 4 Digital Marketing Metrics for Social Media
Before we get started, it’s worth clarifying that all of these metrics are interesting – but they’re not necessarily important to your business.
The first step is to figure out why your company is using each social network and what kind of return you hope to get from each one.
Your goals might include:

Generating traffic to your website;

Generating buzz about your brand;
Increase your network of uae cell number followers and loyal customers;
Generation of leads and new sales.
But there are still a number of other objectives entirely. It is essential to determine these in order to be able to assess whether your social marketing strategies are actually paying off.
With this point clarified, here are the main metrics that your company can track:

1) Social media followers

The number of followers you have is just as important as the engagement they generate. Expanding your network and increasing your reach helps you expand your digital presence.
And this number also helps you understand your relevance within the medium , considering the efforts you’ve put into each network.
If your profiles are new, it makes sense that your company doesn’t have a large following yet. But what if you’ve invested in building audiences on Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn in the last six months?

You may quickly find that your YouTube

Profile is much more popular than your LinkedIn page. And this is a great opportunity to double down on your efforts there.
It could also be an indication that your LinkedIn presence isn’t growing – and that you might be better off focusing your efforts on other channels.

2) Fanbase growth

Another important metric is the growth of your follower count. Check whether your investments – in media and content generation – are consistent with the numbers you are seeing.
Talk to your team or digital marketing agency about selecting the fastest-growing profiles and putting extra effort into them.
If you have invested heavily in Pinterest, for example, and the growth rate is stagnant, it may be time to invest elsewhere.

3) Mentions

Mentions are a great barometer of brand awareness and help you figure out who is actually talking about your brand online. Tracking mentions shows you :

How users are engaging with your content;
The best days and times for your posts;
If users like your product or service.
A good tip here is to go beyond your mentions and also monitor your competitors. This way, you can compare your own performance with theirs.
This strategy is also useful for product launches . This way, you can find out if your product is useful and if your campaign is effective, without needing to do elaborate research.


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