Step 1. Start by going to your LinkedIn likes on Facebook profile and click on the Me icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage. Then click View Profile.
Step 2. Scroll down to Resources
click on the button that says Creator mode: Off. Toggle this button to activate creator mode.
LinkedIn Resources section on a personal profile showing the creator mode toggle off.
Step 3. You’ll see a preview of what LinkedIn creator mode will look like on your profile. Click Next.
Preview of what the LinkedIn creator mode would look like before you confirm to your profile.
Step 4. On the next screen, you’ll add likes on Facebook hashtags to indicate the topics you post about the most. Choose up to five topics and click Done.
It you want to change your topics
you can unselect one of the topics in green then add another topic to replace it.
Screenshot of LinkedIn creator mode settings and the optional ability to select topics or hashtags to add to middle east mobile number list your profile.
Step 5. From there, simply follow the prompts to finish setting up LinkedIn creator mode. And you’re done!
Screenshot of confirmation that LinkedIn creator mode is on
Step 1. To turn off creator mode, head back to your LinkedIn profile and click on the Me icon at the top of your email retargeting campaigns LinkedIn homepage. Then, click View Profile.
Step 2. Scroll down to Resources and click on the button that says Creator mode On
LinkedIn Resources section on a personal profile showing the creator mode toggle on.
Step 3. You’ll be able to toggle and beb directory switch Creator mode Off.
You can add topics by clicking on Add topics (you can add up to five topics).