Start a business only in the area in which you understand or are currently studying it. It is desirable, and even obligatory, to have experience in the relevant area.
You have to love the area where you open a business, otherwise you will quickly get bored, hate everything and quit, losing money. The only exceptions may be those cases when the benefit is obvious.
Don’t start a business with your last money
As you will almost 100% be in debt at the very beginning, and this can last for several years.
Be flexible, look for alternatives in your field. Do you create videos? Don’t focus only on movies or only on advertising, but try everything. Do you fix iPhones? Learn to fix Androids.
Constantly look for customers, because one will drop out, another will go bankrupt, and a third will try to do everything himself.
Read the and don’t be afraid to
Change inconvenient or dangerous conditions, otherwise the consequences may be fatal if you notice something too late.
Be stubborn and patient. Realizing america phone number list your dream, if it is worthwhile, will definitely take time.
Our company is a contracts carefully mono-brand service center for repair of instrument panels and electronic units of Volvo trucks. This is a rather narrow, but comfortable niche for us.
A little about myself
I was born in Leningrad
I have 2 educations:
secondary technical education creating multichannel email campaigns in the field of Automobile and tractor engineering;
Higher, lieutenant engineer for the development of spacecraft and booster units.
He started his career as a afb directory motorcycle mechanic’s assistant and rose to the position of department manager. After contracts carefully moving to Nizhny Novgorod, he started everything from scratch: from a truck diagnostician to the head of the commercial service of the largest company in the city with many branches across Russia.