3. Host a giveaway, competition, or raffle.
If you’re trying to boost your social following, engage students with your business, or build your email listserv, consider hosting a giveaway. Make awareness and revenue it appealing enough that college students will share their information and/or give away their money to win. Tap into their competitive nature by creating a friendly competition with an exciting reward.
4. Engage student ambassadors.
Notice the students who are loyal romania phone number data customers and acknowlge their loyalty. Think of these student ambassadors as nano-influencers. Regram posts from these loyal students to engage with potential customers.
5. Partner with college mia sources.
Your target audience probably has a student-l newspaper, newsletters, or online student app. Consider sponsoring a post or display ad with awareness and revenue these student publications. You can also offer sponsor posts to student-run social mia accounts.
6. Appeal to their parents.
Care packages are a great way to appeal target audience considerationsyour audience matters–and to parents. Show how your product or service will help their students thrive at college or excel on their midterms, finals, presentations, job interviews – you name it. The best time to target parents is move-in day and parent’s weekend.
7. Use QR codes.
QR codes are an effective and simple way to connect your student demographic with your promotion, offer, or service. A code can be print on advertising materials and distribut around campus or to brand ambassadors. Students then scan the code, which takes them to a website or app where they can fill out an online form with their information. With the right messaging, QR codes can boost a brand’s presence on campus.
Bottom Line
College students love brand loyalty. With a little time and effort, you can effectively market to the college students in your area and . Impact email leads database Group Marketing is a digital marketing agency with print production capabilities bas in College Station, Texas. We provide small to mium businesses with digital marketing solutions, website design & development services, and business printing. Contact us today and let us help you make an impact so you can focus on your business!