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Academy(location – Kiev there are free online conferences

This alma mater can be safely called a giant of Internet marketing training in the vastness of Ukraine. Having started with one-day seminars about three years ago, today WebPromoExperts is a multitude of courses that train Internet marketers of any direction (SEO, SMM, usability, web analytics, PPC).On the websiteYou will find more detailed information.


The duration of the courses varies from 8 to 12 lectures, and for those who cannot devote 1-2 months to staying in the capital, there are distance programs, webinars, as well as one-day free online conferences (the next one will take place this whatsapp data Friday, March 20,register).

The cost of courses varies from 4700 to 10000 UAH, depending on the topic and location (Kyiv or distance learning).

 Academy(location – Kiev Anton Voronyuk (Head of the WebPromoExperts Academy):

“WebPromoExperts Academy has been on the market since 2012. During this time, we have trained almost one and a half thousand students to 10offline coursesin Kyiv and 6distance learning courses. At WebPromoExperts, leading experts teach businesses how to increase sales using internet marketing tools. My position is that if the market grows, we grow with it.

In terms of approaches to quality, the main focus is on practice. With the exception of the course for beginners “Internet Marketing Start”, we do not take students without a website (a real practical project to work on). All our courses are aimed at beb directory improving their projects. Students do an SEO audit, launch Adwords and Direct advertising campaigns, set up web analytics system accounts, etc. All this is supported by homework and feedback from the course curator, who also takes the exam.

What does WebPromoExperts mean to me? It’s three years of life, not a single day of which was boring. Lots of drive, new wonderful people and a constant feeling that you are doing something important. And that’s great .

Schools of practical internet marketing I-Marketing School Academy(location – Kiev (location – Kharkov)

The school started in the summer of 2014, and during this time it has already graduated 4 generations of internet marketers. Thanks to I-Marketing School, our company has been replenished with a new, very talented employee – project manager Bogdan Lysyak.

I-Marketing School started with one course — comprehensive internet marketing. Today, 3 areas have been launched — in addition to behavioral targeting in email marketing the above-mentioned, they began to prepare specialists for certification in contextual advertising, in-depth promotion of online stores, as well as aspects of PR in the IT industry.


The cost of studying at the school is from 1500 to 250

UAH, the duration of one course is 2 months. More information about who teaches, what modules there are, and when the next recruitment will be,read on the school website.


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