The DNS server not responding problem is very common, and it can upset many people, especially when they don’t know what happened and how to fix this error.
With that in mind, we prepared this post addressing a little more about what the DNS problem is, its main causes, and how to resolve the error sohong kong phone number data that your blog or website can function normally.
Do you want to understand more about DNS server not responding and learn its possible resolutions? Then check out the content below!
- What is the DNS server?
- What does DNS server not responding mean?
- What causes that problem?
- How to fix the DNS not responding problem?
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The DNS (Domain Name System) server is a how to solve the dns server not responding problem system that helps the user to connect with websites on the internet, and it is used whenever a person connects to a website for the first time.
But how is it possible? Well, the DNS server requests data by contacting the server where the site’s files are hosted. The server, in turn, is identified by a numeric address — which we call IP.
The IP consists of a series of confusing digits anhui mobile phone number list that are utterly difficult to remember, but the DNS server assigns an easier name for the site, for example,
What does DNS server not responding mean?
We often find websites with loading problems on the internet even when our connection is working very well, isn’t it? Sometimes it appears in Chrome, the most used browser, as follows: DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN.
There are some factors behind that message, which can influence the error to occur. So, let’s explain now what can cause this problem.
What causes that problem?
When you enter a URL, it’s the DNS that requests your database to find the website’s IP address. As a matter of fact, it’s the DNS that bridges the URL and the IP.
However, if it doesn’t find out what it’s looking for, the problem occurs, and the error message is displayed in your browser.
The point is, other issues can also have a huge influence on this error. We’ll cover the most relevant ones below and, sure, how to fix them effectively.