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Why be a digital entrepreneur?

understand this new labor paradigm, in this video, sergio fernández offers all the keys:

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We live in a global economy where the internet and new technologies offer us the opportunity to reach a market of millions of people with the same effort as if we were doing it locally.

And it is in this concept where all the potential that online entrepreneurship offers lies.

Because to be a digital

entrepreneur you need to think big and global.

Infopreneur, solopreneur, online turkey phone number library entrepreneur, lifestyle entrepreneur, microentrepreneur, one-person business…

they all have in common that they are developed by experts who create digital products and services based on according to a study their knowledge and experience to solve a problem or need in a very specific market niche.

This is the digital entrepreneur of the 21st century.

Expert and specialized independent professionals who share their passion, talent, strengths and experience to help other people solve “a pain point”.

But being a digital entrepreneur is also a lifestyle

“being an entrepreneur is a way of bz lists understanding life and being in the world.”

– sergio fernandez –

one of the biggest myths about being an entrepreneur is that you have to have a great, revolutionary or innovative idea that will eventually become a great company.

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