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The Many Meanings of “Cloud Computing”

Let us apply the 4+1 views model to the example that we have been developing in previous articles in this section. The example referr to the “company xyz that is dicate to the commercialization of products from various manufacturers”.

Use case view. The use case view would include a diagram with the primary use cases along with descriptions of these scenarios. One of the scenarios that this view should include is the main. Flow of the primary use case “Perform Product Catalog Queries”.

Logical view The logical view

presents the modules for carrying out queries to the product catalogue, such as “product query” and “search manager”, as well as the modules canada phone number library necessary to purchase specific products such as “shopping cart”, “payments” and “purchase manager”. It should be not that the diagram present shows a second level of decomposition of the system. A third level of decomposition would require taking the different modules. And breaking them down into components associat with the specific technologies an example? imagine you have an e-commerce example? imagine you have an e-commerce us in the system. From a dynamic point of view, the implementation of the use case “Perform queries to the product catalogue. Is shown in Figure 2. This representation assumes that a decomposition of the system has been carri out. From which the components specifi in the sequence diagram emerg, and also assumes that the JSF technologies.

For the presentation layer and Spring Webservices for the integration layer

Physical view. The physical view shows, through a UML deployment belize lists diagram, the terminal through which the system will be us, the application server where the application layers will be install: view, business and integration, and systems on external servers through which our system will obtain information.

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