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In the case where his target

For example, if an expert declares himself as a professional marketer, but constantly publishes information about attending where his target infobusiness conferences, this will only be logical if he is promoting specialists from this field. audience is entrepreneurs with a physical business, how will this help him create an appropriate image? Moreover, there is a risk that a serious audience will consider: this person is associat with infofraudsters and this impression will be very difficult to work through in the future.

Or imagine that an accountant publish

An article in a where his target crypto currency database women’s magazine, sharing a story about overcoming difficulties that had been going on since childhood. Perhaps this would be an interesting experience and would support someone. But another logical question: how would this help in promoting services? How would this confirm qualifications?

The same situation applies to businessmen who have a real business, but they publish in general-interest mia. When an article is written with advice on scaling a business in turbulent times, it should be publish in a business magazine, and not on a site where “nearby” there will be news in the style of “a woman was bitten by something in the forest.” I’m not kidding, such was the title of an article that was recently publish in one feral mia outlet.

Advice from a business psychologist

Publications, podcasts, interviews — all of these are powerful tools for working with reputation. Choose platforms where his target sales analysis as finding your way through a labyrinth thoughtfully and always check the subject afb directory matter of the publication in advance. Be sure to evaluate the work of the itor-in-chief or content strategist of the select mia outlet. Do they clarify your business goal? Do they help you choose a topic bas on your target audience? Will the material be written bas on your experience or will everything be dump on a neural network that will create another pompous text without useful content?


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