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Why return to older contacts in the market

Do you think the market for your products or services is not big enough? And that you can easily call it yourself? If your market is in the tens of companies, then this may be true. But the market needs to be a little bigger, and you can work with it repeatedly.

TL;DR: Re-engaging with companies that were initially uninterested can be key to success. A new product, a different approach, or their current situation can change their attitude.

Just because you reach out to all the companies

on the market in a few months doesn’t mean you can never go back to them. On the contrary, it’s important to comb the market again india email list and again. There are several reasons why it’s worth reaching out again after a while, even if the person you first contacts in the market approached didn’t show interest. And I’ll go through them with you right now:

  1. You have a new product or service: If you are coming up with new products or services, this is a great reason to reach out to companies again. You can introduce them to new options that were not available to them before.
  2. Benefits presented differently: Perhaps you just need to think about how you presented the benefits of your services/products. A new approach to the benefits of your offer can change the attitude of companies you have once approached.
  3. A new sales rep can make a difference: And they don’t necessarily have to be better, they just have to be different. Have a contacts in the market different voice, look different. Even the greatest analyst is not immune to voice development of digital platforms for logistics companies and appearance. Maybe unfortunately, maybe thankfully.
  4. The contact person may be in a better mood: Moods and circumstances change. Reaching out to a company at a cameroon business directory time when they are more open to new ideas can be key to success.
  5. You may encounter someone new: The person you first tried to reach may no longer work for the company. And their successor may be more open to new solutions.
  6. A need you can solve: Businesses may face new problems and challenges over time. You can offer a solution that was not relevant to them before.
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