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Get to know the 6 types of Christmas customers and reach them in marketing

The Christmas season is eagerly awaited by all retailers. To succeed in the competition, it pays to know your customers. And that doesn’t mean personas. At Christmas, customers differ in behavior and expectations. If you know who you’re selling to, you can look forward to a successful Christmas season.

What does Christmas mean in marketing?

If you have a well-crafted campaign , then Christmas is literally a harvest for your business (both online and brick-and-mortar). And as the saying goes: those who are prepared are not surprised.

When to start creating Christmas campaigns? It depends on  chinese overseas europe database whether you are preparing for your “first” Christmas or you already have experience in this regard . Behind the entire campaign is a considerable list of tasks that you should have completed before you start the campaign. What can it include?

Selecting appropriate marketing channels for communication .
Agreed collaborations with influencers and agencies that handle online and offline advertising.
Method of promoting individual product categories.
Enough goods and budget.
Properly set SEO and creation of materials (graphics, videos, content, photos, etc.).
Publication plan including crisis plan etc.
If you are facing your “first” Christmas, ideally start preparing for it at the beginning of the summer holidays. If you are not new to Christmas sales, start preparing at the end of August. You should have everything ready by about mid-September . From October, you should start targeting your customers with Christmas advertising.

Be careful which customers you target . Those who hate Christmas the dynamics of the sales cycle in the digital market  and shop until the last minute can be unnecessarily discouraged by early advertising. Those who like to spread their financial burden over several months and are stressed by last-minute shopping will appreciate early Christmas trailers. Don’t forget that autumn is associated with the iconic Black Friday or Cyber ​​Monday, which can play into your Christmas campaign.

Everything you need to know about the different types of Christmas customers

Although customers who shop during Christmas are thailand data  referred to as “Christmas shoppers,” you can’t rely on them all being the same when planning your campaign . There are several types of Christmas shoppers, which differ in whether they:are completely lost when choosing gifts, etc.
Therefore, it is necessary to define individual customer groups . This way, you will know “who you have the honor of working with”. You will know how to communicate with customers, what to offer them and how to help them. If you prepare well, you can expect profits that you look forward to all year long.

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