Commercial Ranking Factors 2024

Commercial Ranking Factors 2024

Maxim Zakharov
Founder of WillDay Studio
Ask a question
How did they appear?
Official statement from Yandex on commercial factors
How are they assesse ?

What do the experts say?

List of commercial factors
New trends in commercial factors
Reasons to read this article?

One of the most comprehensive email data articles on the RuNet on commercial factors;
Commercial site factors have gaine  a lot of traction in the SEO community in recent years and have replace  the declining influence of links;
The article is a compilation of the opinions of the best CIS experts, filter  through our experience.
Commercial factors are a set of elements on the website of services and online stores that are responsible for the trust of buyers. Is the user ready to place an order, and will he succee ? In this article, we will make a detaile   analysis, and also examine all aspects of this issue.

How did they appear?


On October 7, 2011, at the CyberMarketing-2011 conference, Kirill Nikolaev reported that they had begun to take commercial factors into account. The video from this conference will be further in the article.

Official statement from Yandex on commercial factors
Video from that very famous conference where Yandex announced commercial factors.

email data

CyberMarketing-2011 – Part 1
CyberMarketing-2011 – Part 2
How are they assessed?
In 2013, Yandex published a document in which it disclose  some information about how sites are assesse . But it is 2024, and the factors for assessing a site have changed. To a greater extent, assessment is carrie out by assessors base  on the following parameters:

Convenient navigation and search on the site (usability);

Reliability and authority of the site (trustability or trust);
Design quality;
High traffic and user engagement
Detailed and unique descriptions of goods/services
Various methods help developing a marketing plan of communication (phone, email, messengers, chatbots)
Transparent information about the company
Integration with social networks
Availability of reviews and ratings

HTTPS protocol and other security measures

Initially, the document is assessed: is it relevant to the query? The scale consists of 5 ratings: irrelevant, relevant, highly relevant, useful and vital (consists of the brand name). Vital queries are not taken into account when assessing relevance.

Next, the quantity and variety afb directory of goods and services are assessed. The assessment scale consists of 3 parameters: few, standard, many.


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