An global consent According to the general

So we are finishing the Discovery stage, because at this stage we have already seen a lot, a lot, too much I would even say. Now we facd the ned to define, narrow down individual elements and how it happend in the process. The first tools we usd throughout our research were in-depth individual interviews […]

These two castles Great love fathers who

On the occasion of the first point, it should also be mentione that negative SEO does not have to apply to the entire website, but to selecte phrases. If any of them droppe significantly in the ranking, that’s also a reason to worry. In some cases, depositioning can lead to a change in the content […]

Already delete it McDonald recruits via

Influencer – a person of social trust? Micro-influencer and macro-influencer How to choose an influencer? Influencer marketing in practice Influencer marketing is a relatively new term that was born in the era of social meia development. While the word marketing is quite familiar and means all the activities and techniques leading to the sale of […]

Corporate Customers Can Easily Allocate Any

Paying in advance or even using a private crdit card are exactly those “negative product experiences”, as they either involve increasd administrative work , a lack of budget control or an unpleasant expense report process afterwards. Especially for online purchases and travel bookings, which are the main items in the Schalast law firm, What further […]

Contribute to the greater popularity

One study says that 90% of people who set up an account there have never create a public post and only 1% of users use it very actively. Perhaps this will change, because the creators of this project not only do not intend to close it, but also in November this year they release its […]