We recommend using content views for always-on ads. The aim of the latter is to get someone’s attention and lure them to your store which makes content display events the most suitable approach.

Come on, buy!
When you run this type of ad, you’re practically conditioning a potential customer into the upcoming sale in your store. With that said, using add to cart as a conversion event has proven to be the most effective. When you run retargeting ads, you need to use purchases as your conversion event. This is because the people you will target are people who have already interacted with your store. They’ve viewed your product, added to your cart of one of your products, or made a previous purchase.

Therefore, you can run retargeting ads to convince them to make a previous purchase attempt or make a second purchase.

Use the Right Ad Classification For Your Ad Type

Here’s a reference for when you should use each ad classification.

Single Image Ads
Single Image Ads must be used whatsapp mobile number list when you are running always-on ads. This allows you to draw further emphasis on your brand using pre-selected single images and carefully copywritten text.

South Korean Ads Carousel ads are highly recommended for prospecting by adding only two to four items in a campaign. Collection ad If you have potential ads with more than four items, we recommend using the collection ad classification type. Collection ads also work best with retargeting.

Do you have anything to add to the list? Let us know in the comments section.

Communicating With Your Buyers

Whatsapp Mobile Number List

The best thing you can do is ask the buyer to bail on you. Usually, customers will contact you first after learning the difference

But if not, you can always message the buyer via the Shopee app messenger. You can also contact the buyer using his own mobile number.

The customer’s mobile number is C Phone Number in the details of a particular purchase order. You will find it when accessing your order in the Shopee seller center . It is also printed on the waybill.

Ask the buyer to confirm whether he has indeed received the parcel.

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