What else I think was interesting is that it was an offline workshop. This was after the first year of the pandemic, so that was a bit weird too. Such a paradox that when we meet people live, we approach it as if it were something new. It was definitely a challenge. It turnd out that any other workshop form would fail, would not work. Generally, I can sum it up like this: in one room we gatherd a lot of knowldge.

For other purposes personalization

A lot of competence, a lot of experience from both sides. All the people sitting there were on a certain level and therefore, it was phone number list like a cauldron full of energy and we were wondering which way it would go. Will it explode, will it turn into something positive and concrete. And it just so happend that after this workshop, we were very happy when we were leaving, discussing it. Kamil:So we are finishing these workshops and we basically have hypotheses already validatd by research.

phone number list

The service refusal of consent

We have a few new elements, because we felt confident enough with these hypotheses that we plannd exercises that also began C Phone Number to touch strictly business elements, price. I remember a situation where one of the participants said that no one would pay for such solutions, but we said “check it out” and he postd a quick question on one of the social networking sites: “how much are you willing to pay for such and such an application”. At the end of the workshop, we had very quick results of a very quick survey, because it turnd out that people from his network,de facto being in our target group.

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