This section will discuss the history, vision, mission

The Communication Science Department is still one of the most popular study programs for prospective new students. This is because communication is a field that is very close to everyday life, so it is always developing and always needed.

If you are looking for a campus with the best Communication Science major, Tarumanagara University (Untar) could be the right choice. Come on, find out more about the UNTAR Communication Science faculty below!

About Untar

Before we discuss further about the Faculty of Communication Sciences at Untar and its job prospects, it would be better to first get to know Tarumanagara University (Untar) itself.

Located in the Grogol area, West Jakarta, Tarumanagara University was established in 1959. Previously, Untar was an economics college with a major in Corporate Economics. Along with the development of the era, Untar has grown rapidly and provides various study programs ranging from engineering, economics and social, to medicine.

Under the auspices of the Tarumanagara Foundation, Untar now has 9

The faculties include the Faculty of Econo database shop mics and Business, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Information Technology, Faculty of Psychology, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Communication Sciences, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, and the Postgraduate Faculty.

From year to year, students’ interest in continuing their education at Untar has never waned. Even prospective students who register at Untar are not only from Jakarta but also from areas outside Jakarta.

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About FIKOM Untar

, and study programs at the Untar Faculty of Communication Sciences.

The Faculty of Communication Sciences Untar has 3 areas of concentration that build the competence of its graduates to be ready to compete as professionals, namely Public Relations, Journalism, and Advertising. In addition, the Faculty of Communication Sciences is also actively collaborating for the development of communication science with v produce content that is exciting cheerful arious parties from within and outside the country which of course can provide added value for its students and graduates.

Currently, the Faculty of Communication Sciences Untar as an institution has achieved an A accreditation rating by BAN-PT. Accreditation is a recognition given to an institution by considering various indicators. The results of the accreditation assessment are divided into several categories and the A accreditation rating is the highest accreditation rating given to an institution.


To become a leading Faculty of Communication Sciences in the Southeast Asia region by producing graduates who are Humanistic and competent in their fields, have Integrity, Professionalism, and an Entrepreneurial spirit.


  1. Carrying out education to produce hu b2b fax lead manistic and competent graduates who have integrity, are professional and have an entrepreneurial spirit.
  2. Organizing learning to produce graduates who master science and technology in the field of Communication Science
  3. Conducting training to produce graduates who have competence in the field of communication science to support organizational development.
  4. Developing Communication Science sustainably through research and community service.

The study program of the Faculty of Communication Sciences Untar, namely Communication. Later, FIKOM Untar students will learn about:

  • Business Public Relations and Corporate Relations
  • Advertising Strategy and Business
  • Communication Theory

Also read: The latest reasons why you should enter UNTAR 2022/2023

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Jobs that FIKOM Untar Graduates Can Take

After knowing what study programs are provided, this section will discuss the job prospects for graduates of the Faculty of Communication Sciences Untar. The reason FIKOM Untar is one of the most popular departments is because of its diverse job prospects. Here are some job prospects for graduates of the Faculty of Communication Sciences Untar:

1. Public Relations

Public relations ( PR ) is also one of the most sought-after job prospects for Untar Communication Science faculty graduates. PR work is broadly to build, maintain, and manage company relations with the public, PR is often referred to as the face of the company, therefore the career ladder and salary of a PR are quite satisfying.

2. Marketing Communication

For those of you who like to design strategies, working as a marketing communication is something you can consider when graduating from the Faculty of Communication Sciences, Untar. A marketing communication is not only selling products or services, but more about how to make the products or services you offer stand out from the competition.

3. Journalist

Job prospects for graduates of the Faculty of Communication Sciences Untar in the media sector that are quite popular are journalists. A journalist must have good writing skills, and have sensitivity to the social conditions that occur. Even some political experts argue that journalists are an institution that has the fourth power after the executive, legislative, and judiciary.

4. Photographer

For those of you who like to play with cameras, the profession of photographer is very suitable as a job prospect for you after graduating from FIKOM Untar. The profession of photographer is very broad in the world of work, starting from agencies, creative, entertainment, to content creators need a photographer.

FIKOM Untar Tuition Fees

If you are starting to be interested in studying at the Faculty of Communication Sciences, Untar, you must know some details about the tuition fees that must be paid later.

  • Tuition fee: Rp. 24,000,000
  • BPP fee: Rp 9,000,000
  • SKS Fee: Rp. 400,000
  • Number of credits: 20
  • Total Tuition Fee for Semester 1: Rp. 17,000,000
  • Total Tuition Fee: Rp 120,600,000

FIKOM Untar Tuition Payment Using Danacita

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