Tools and Techniques for Blogging While Travelling

Today I tackle a question from a listener about blogging on the road. Carmen Fellows asked about technicalities such as how to get content online and ways to access your blog.


How can you balance blogging while aol email list traveling for work or vacation? It depends on the situation, and sometimes it’s a juggling act.

While you’re away, here are seven approaches to try when it comes to blogging:

  1. Take a complete break, and give your readers a break too
  2. Work harder, and schedule as much as you can before you go
  3. Highlight previous content, or feature a “Best of” series
  4. Schedule one of more guest bloggers
  5. Blog on the road
  6. Use posts that are easy to create (polls, embeddable content, link posts, etc.)
  7. Do a combination of the above

If you plan on blogging on the road, think about where you can find internet access, and whether you want to bring your computer equipment or leave it behind. There are pros and cons to bringing and using devices such as a smartphone, iPad and laptop.

How much do you really need to do with your blog? Working while you’re away can have an impact on what you’re there to do, whether it’s to have fun with your family or speak at a conference.

Allow yourself to be present. It’s okay (and important) to have time off from your blog.

Links and Resources for Tools and Techniques to Blog Effectively on the Road:

Further Listening

  • Blogger Apps for Smartphone and Tablet


  • Starting a Blog
  • ProBlogger Pro – 31 Days to Build a Better Blog

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Hi there and welcome to Episode 243 of the ProBlogger podcast. My name is Darren Rowse and I’m the blogger behind – a blog, podcast, event, job board, and a series of ebooks all designed to help you as a blogger to start a great blog, to grow that blog in terms of the content on it but also your audience, and the engagement you have with that audience, and then to build profit around your blog as well. You can learn more about what we do over at


What I used to do all the time, this is 5 бясплатных спосабаў транскрыпцыі відэа (Ft. спрошчанае)  before the advent of mobile phone technology which shows you how long I’ve been blogging. Mobile phones were certainly around when I first started blogging but when I started blogging in 2002, there weren’t too many smartphones. I remember having an old Nokia which did claim to allow you to get onto the internet but it was such a slow experience and a clunky experience. There’s no way you would’ve ever blog from it. At the very most, you may have been able to get into the backend of your blog and edit a blog post but that was as far as it went.

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